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Change of bank details

If your bank or building society account details change, please let us know immediately by filling out this form. Thank you.

Part A: Your personal details


First Name


British Steel Pension Scheme membership number


Part B: Your payment details

Bank/building society name


Bank/building society address

Post Code

Account number

Sort code

Roll number (building society only)


If you want to have your pension paid into a Girobank account please detail the account number here: . Please note we cannot make payments into a National Savings Bank account.


Now please print the completed form, sign and date it and send it, free of charge, to the address at the bottom of the page.


Part C: Declaration

I confirm that the new bank/building society details provided above are correct.





Send to:

Payroll, British Steel Pension Scheme, FREEPOST (MOO 188), Glasgow, G2 7BR

Thank you.