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Being a trustee of a pension fund carries onerous legal responsibilities. Your Trustee is a corporate trustee company involving 20 Directors set up to administer the British Steel Pension Scheme. The day-to-day administration of the Scheme is supervised by a Management Committee, half of whom are appointed by Corus UK Limited and half nominated by the trade unions, from the membership (click on “Structure” below to find out more).

To fulfil its responsibilities, the Management Committee has a number of duties which they must carry out (click on “Duties” below) and meets regularly to discuss Scheme and Fund issues, taking into consideration advice from a range of professionals (click on “Advisers” below).

Finally, the Scheme’s security is of highest importance and many steps are taken to protect members’ and their dependants’ interests and the Scheme’s assets (click on “Scheme Security” to find out more).

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