British Steel Pension Scheme
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Customer Service


The Trustee board expects the Pensions Office to provide an excellent service to Scheme members.  It recognises that it may not be possible to meet everyone’s needs and expectations, but the Pensions Office’s service should always be prompt, helpful, courteous and efficient.

Difficulties may arise from time to time and it is expected that many of these will be resolved either in discussion with Scheme Officers, or by an explanatory letter or e-mail.   There may however be occasions where a Scheme member, or beneficiary, believes that the Trustee’s Service Standards have not been met or a particular difficulty has not been given proper attention (or has been mishandled) and the member wishes to complain.

The best way to complain is to tell the person you are dealing with that you wish to make a formal complaint, they will refer your case to the Scheme’s Complaints Officer who will provide you with details of the Scheme’s Service Standards Complaints Procedure.    Formal complaints under the Procedure will be acknowledged within a week, and a full response usually provided within 3 weeks.  The Service Standards Complaints Procedure sits alongside the Scheme’s existing Internal Dispute Procedure.

If you wish to make a formal complaint (i.e. a specific complaint about your rights, benefits or entitlement from the Scheme) you should follow the procedure outlined in the Internal Dispute Procedure leaflet.