British Steel Pension Scheme
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Defined Contribution Section

Welcome to the Defined Contribution (DC) section of the British Steel Pension Scheme website.  

NOTE: If you are a member of the Standard Section of the Scheme with DC Section benefits (Top-Up Contributions and/or through contributions on earnings in excess of Pensionable Earnings Growth Cap of 1.75%) you should proceed to Excess defined contributions (including TUCs). 

Otherwise, please select from the drop down list on the left hand side of the page.  You may also wish to consult the DC Members' Handbook for further information, as required.

Employee Members of the Defined Contribution Section will be issued with an annual Benefit Statement showing the value of their individual account at 5 April each year.  These statements are issued by Legal & General Assurance Society Limited, the Trustee’s appointed provider of Defined Contribution administration and investment management services.